Dr. Francis' Monthly Blog

Dental Month

By February 14, 2024No Comments

It’s dental month in veterinary medicine! Are you brushing your pets’ teeth?!

It’s not just for people, it’s for our pets too! Just as we have to brush our teeth and teach our children to do the same, we also have to do it for our pets.

Dogs and cats have bacteria that causes plaque to build up on their teeth. The plaque will harden if it’s not brushed away, and then creates tartar. Tarter will create painful gingivitis and possible infection. It is recommended to brush their teeth at least once a day for good oral hygiene.

Ideally, you should start brushing when they are puppies and kittens in order to get them accustomed to the daily routine. This is also great bonding time with your new pet. Brushing your pets’ teeth will also help expand the time in between dentals needed under general anesthesia. Plus, fresh breath for more kisses!!

Ask us about your pets periodontal disease score, this helps us prepare you and your pet for our recommendations for your pets oral health! We would love for you to stop by and ask us for a free toothbrush and toothpaste sample!

On our next blog find out, WHO needs a dental, WHAT exactly is a dental, WHEN is it time for my pets dental, WHERE are your pets dentals done, WHY we do them, and HOW they are done!

Fun Fact: Good dental care can help a pet live up to 20% longer!